
The American Dream- a well-packaged lie?

The American dream is a global phenomenon that explains why everyone would give it all to work and live in the US. In this dream, everyone can make it into the big money league- be in financial comfort, fly to occasional luxury vacations, own a mansion in posh neighborhoods, and take their kids to prestigious colleges. The vision in the American dream has its origin in Social Darwinism. Today it is reinforced by modern education, upbringing, and the political view that the equation to get out of poverty is simple: working hard will get you to the fast lane of life. Unfortunately, nothing could be farther from the truth. That we live in an economically leveled playing ground and hard work is rewarded in equal measure- it is a VERY BIG lie. Many of us know, or have witnessed it firsthand, that gender, race, sexual orientation, political affiliations, among other aspects affect our financial and social starting point. But it is not often easy to see how economic status plays a role